Mission Vision & Value



Our mission at Safety Net Services is to strengthen communities by encouraging and empowering community members. We provide housing options through resources and life skills that help create stability. We also provide much-needed case management services to ensure each community member participating in our program has the proper support and guidance during their journey.


Our purpose is to eliminate homelessness within our community; we believe homelessness is not an option or a choice. It's a situation that can come to an end. We want to ensure members never have to experience homelessness again. We do this by working with providers that have the resources and linking members of the community to housing options like transitional or shared housing, providing life skills and referrals to mental health services, substance abuse services, and collaboration between traditional and nontraditional services.


Here at Safety Net Services, we work to ensure that all our neighbors are housed healthy and safe. We believe no one should have to live on the street or in a violent household, and we want to provide a safe and judgment-free environment so that members feel comfortable and confident that they are in the right place.